This is Kinoshita from cliché.
We have opened our ONLINE STORE from today.
Thank you so much for all the reactions to the announcement on SNS!
Yesterday, I finally watched the Jujutsu Kaisen movie that I wanted to see.
It was a late show, so there were only three people in the venue, and the shops were closed, so I was disappointed, but it was fun.
Well, the name of the shop is "cliché".
This was something I came up with with Mr. Matsushima from cantate, who I decided to work with on this project.
The deciding factor was that it sounded good. In addition, the meaning
Refers to phrases (common phrases, clichés), expressions, and concepts that have lost their intended power and novelty as a result of abuse.
It is also applied to common rhetorical objects (in short, semiotic "signs") in situations, plot techniques, themes, and stereotypical characterizations.
Often used in negative contexts.
Since the novelty or frequency of use of the expression varies depending on time and place, whether it is a cliché or not depends largely on the person using it, the context in which it is used, and the person making the judgment.
The meaning of clichés changes over time, and they often become confused or fall into disuse.
When a technique is identified as using cliché, it is often interpreted to mean that the author ran out of original ideas and turned to something less imaginative. The reason is that it is almost always a negative element in creative techniques. However, comedy is an exception, where situations gain humor by being clichéd. "(from wikipedia)
In addition to the above, it is also used as a guitar technique.
We both play guitar, which is great!
So, I would like to thank you for your continued support from today.
This season's 22nd SS has its limits, but I will do everything I can. So, I hope you will watch over me with warm eyes and have reasonable expectations. .
By the way, as I wrote on SNS, I am refraining from opening a physical store in the future. Please let me know when you get closer.
Also, what are the future plans for the store? I'd be happy if you could get a sense of the concept as we start handling more products.
I'm going to work hard like a workhorse, with the intention of making a difference on the counter.
Well then, I know it's going to be a lot of things, but thank you very much!