Christmas knitting season

The reason for the discomfort.
New color, showing its true potential.
This is Kinoshita from cliché.
It's already the end of the year, and it's been half a year since we opened the store.
It's mid-December and everyone is already in the Christmas mood.
Once that is over, some people are in a year-end mood, and some people's minds are already in vacation mode.
Even cliché has switched to the December playlist, creating a strong Christmas mood.
I guess we're also in a funky mode.
I mean,
Listen to Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas Is You"
There's no one who can't get excited.
And the feeling of loss after it was over.
Well, the end of this year is still going to be busy.
At this time of year, I don't know what to buy.
The temperature hasn't dropped much this year, and it's been surprisingly warm during the day.
Are you a clothing store killer? Business is going up.
But I want to wear it. Not to be outdone, we put on our coats.
Sugimura is wearing cantate's "Pile Duffle Coat" that he splurged on.
I'm trying to create my own movement by wearing a Duffle Coat from a few years ago.
You have no choice but to ride this big wave.
Now, this is a time when you should have already done some shopping.
People who haven't bought knitwear that arrived in July and August because it's still hot and don't need it.
People who bought it first because they didn't want to miss out, even though it was hot,
I'm the former and have only recently started buying a few knitwear items.
That's the normal flow.
Don't you want knitwear every year around Christmas?
The second and then the third cliché was planned at the same time as the previous BDU JACKET SET UP.
The general idea started from the fact that I wanted a knit item at this particular time.
I used old knitwear that I had as a source to convey the image and had them make it.
If it doesn't come to mind, I won't force it.
When something comes to mind, I concentrate on making what I want to wear in my spare time.
"Clothes that you'll want to wear every season.
Clothes that can be worn for a long time. Just natural.
A product that makes such simple and good things. "
While capturing the tension at that time, I will continue to look forward to next year and the year after that.
A knit that will make you look forward to wearing this outfit.
My image is that I look normal but am not normal, I like messy clothes, I am an amateur and a serious person.
The knit was completed with the help of Mr. Matsushima, who is an expert in fabrics and threads and has a knack for adding playful touches.
It will go on sale tomorrow, December 17th (Sat).
- cliché 0002 -
¥60,500 (TAX IN)
- cliché 0003 -
¥49,500 (TAX IN)
The second round of fluffy 5G knits.
The yarn that Mr. Matsushima secretly made to use someday was so good that we will be releasing the best version at the same time as the third edition.
The base item was an American-made knit that I had never worn in college.
Thick and 100% wool, heavy and heavy.
With a good sense of volume and generous sizing,
It was the one I had been wearing for about 8 years, even though I was a rough guy.
But it does make me tingle, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't stressed.
At the end of the day, second-hand clothes are something that you can only be satisfied with by wearing them somewhere.
However, if you look for a new one, you won't be able to find it, so by solving the itchy part and making it, it will take shape.
I'm still learning about knitting, but the more I learn about it, the more I'm drawn to it.
It was the same when I started researching denim, but clothes are much deeper than we think.
What is knit? When I was asked that question, I couldn't answer at first.
Something knitted. I could only answer the surface question, but
If you look closely, you can see that the body, sleeves, and collar are each made of a single thread.
The ``knit'' clothes that were casually used in everyday life were extremely luxurious clothes.
If you cut the part that has undone, it will all come undone smoothly.
Is that so? Interesting. want to know more.
In the process of knitting,
・Whole garment
·Automatic machine
・Hand side
・Hand knitting
That's all there is to it, broadly speaking.
From the top down, the image shows that production efficiency is high and modern technology is used.
As you go further down the line, it becomes more labor-intensive and time-consuming.
WHOLEGARMENT is something that, as long as you put the raw materials in, it will be ready by itself when you wake up. Even if they are efficient, they can only do what they do in a conventional way, which makes it less interesting because all brands have the same face.
Automatic machines, like Whole Garment, require capital investment, but they are fast and efficient. However, since the yarn is created automatically while preserving its properties, it takes a genius to make it heavier or do something special.
Teyoko requires equipment but does not use electricity.
Since the knitting is done manually, it takes time just like hand knitting. Depending on the strength of the person in charge, the tightness or sweetness can be adjusted, and each part is forcibly shaped and knitted to create a knitted garment.
One of its appeals is the high degree of freedom that allows you to add slightly unusual details.
Finally, hand knitting. This is completely handmade and only a genius grandmother could make it. It's good because it doesn't require capital investment, but it requires a tremendous amount of labor. Even if you try to mass produce it, labor costs will be high.
Production efficiency, degree of freedom, reproducibility, etc.
Each has its own characteristics, and there are some things that can only be made using that method.
Automatic machines are the best choice if you want to make thread as it is, to the highest quality.
However, cliché's knits are a bit unusual and twisted.
When I was trying to convey the image I was creating, my request went through smoothly.
“I can do anything, I’m on hand.”
I can't get these words out of my head. lol
The wide collar is accented with a double collar.
The hem and sleeves are simply changed, with a gentle tension that blends in well.
The most important thing is that it is extremely soft to the touch.
It's not thick and crunchy, but fluffy and comfortable.
Made of wool.
In addition to the super-strengthened yarn that is unique to hand webbing, the yarn is untwisted to create a gentle fluffy feel.
The image is that when you untwist a thread that has been tightly twisted and pulled, it gains the force to return and becomes more elastic.
Now this texture.
No wonder, but this is actually a really cool piece that only contains 10% cashmere.
It's supposed to be 10%, but then you don't have to include it, right? I feel like that, but
"Untwisting" brings out the best qualities of cashmere.
It could be higher.
The result that makes it look like this is due to the way in which these detailed techniques are incorporated.
A fluffy knit that is tight and won't lose its shape.
A knit that brings out the best parts of the natural fibers used as raw materials.
There is no doubt that I like it because my image has taken shape.
It's natural that good things are expensive, but that's not the case for everything.
There were a lot of things that happened before it was completed.
If you have a crew neck, you can wear it with one shot.
I originally wanted to make the vest with the image of an apron similar to that of a Kyungsoo, so I had it open under the armpits and made it look like a stole.
Honestly, when I tried it on, it was really difficult so I had to remake it.
However, as you can imagine, this can also be worn over a coat.
I like the way it's open under the armpits, but I don't think I'll be wearing it next year.
This is good. Along with relief, I can hear the sound of autumn and winter becoming fun.
Both are moderately loose.
It seems to be fine according to my preference, but the length and the tension of the sleeves and ribs are weak.
Both have a good balance with pants.
Combined with the thickness of the tapered underarms, it stands out as a clear accent.
By the way, the holes in the rib joints are a detail taken from old clothes.
It's a mysterious detail, but that's the point. It will give you a visual freshness.
The vest comes in one size.
The key points are the width of the top (neck) and the width of the arms.
Leave some space when pairing it with tight innerwear.
When matched with a hoodie or coat, it has a good balance of elasticity and is not bulky.
Surprisingly, this kind of knit vest doesn't exist.
I'm also interested in something tight, but since I don't have one, I want to create one.
The ribs are weak and large, so it can be used for layering,
He is such a versatile player who can easily adapt to the usual combinations.
I really wanted a vest these days.
However, I couldn't find the knit vest I wanted anywhere.
It's finally released, and I want everyone to pick it up.
It's simple and has a little bit of excitement to differentiate it from others.
That's just right.
cantate "Mac Coat" ¥275,000 (TAX IN)
Rios of Mercedes "Herness Latigo Cowboy Roper" ¥220,000 (TAX IN)
GREIGE blends in beautifully.
PORTRAITE "Classic Field Jacket Short" ¥33,000 (TAX IN)
CLASS "CCCA15UNI B" ¥69,300 (TAX IN)
It's thick enough to keep you warm.
GREIGE is the one I tend to use most for styling if it's in stores.
cantate "Fine Corduroy Suit (wear only jacket)" ¥330,000 (TAX IN)
cantate "The Shirt" ¥46,200 (TAX IN)
cantate "Denim 1955 Trousers" ¥42,900 (TAX IN)
I want to match DAWN PINK with brown colors.
You can just wrap it around your shoulders for now.
cantate "Pile Duffle Coat" ¥330,000 (TAX IN)
cantate "The Shirt" ¥48,400 (TAX IN)
cantate "Regular Chino Trousers" ¥42,900 (TAX IN)
Vivid coloring to match earth tones.
“DAWN PINK is really good!” said Sugimura, enjoying the styling.
cantate "Turtle Neck L/S Shirt" ¥25,300 (TAX IN)
yifat finkelshtein "PAZATZKA" ¥74,800 (TAX IN)
It looks like an over vest with a very special shape.
As a side note, I am once again convinced that cantate's turtleneck is just too good.
I want all the colors now. lol
cantate "Fluffy Parka" ¥49,500 (TAX IN)
Let's try this style for now.
I had decided on an all-cream styling.
What's with the thick hoodie?
cantate "Denim 1955 Trousers" ¥42,900 (TAX IN)
I don't know if I would even consider wearing a pullover vest over a coat in the first place.
It's good because it's interesting.
I've always wanted to do this, so I'm very satisfied.
- cliche 0002 -
¥60,500 (TAX IN)
- cliche 0003 -
¥49,500 (TAX IN)
The more you learn about something that is attractive or has substance, the more you become interested in it.
You will be able to continue to be interested in the story even if you hear about inner feelings and secrets that cannot be revealed in reality.
What about the opposite?
I become deeply disillusioned when I learn about things that I generally shouldn't know.
To the point of disgust.
How you perceive something to be expensive or cheap changes depending on your income.
If it's 1 yen and 1000 yen, 1000 yen is more expensive.
Let's say you need a lighter right now, but it's not sold anywhere near you.
But someone nearby offered to sell it to me.
It would cost just over 100 yen at a convenience store, but how about 1000 yen? That's it.
How do you feel in that case?
Another example is selling something with a cost of 10,000 yen for 50,000 yen.
But next to it, I found that something with an original price of 50,000 yen was being sold for 150,000 yen.
Which do you think is higher?
In the first place, both cost a lot of money, so everyone feels that they are expensive, and so do I.
It's natural that you don't feel like paying easily.
It always makes me want to pay
Something commensurate with its original value.
Expensive is expensive. But there's a good reason for that.
It's our job to make cheap things look even better.
Work that raises value and increases value for the future, which is attractive to the person who is conveyed.
We have a responsibility to honestly tell everyone the reason and make them aware of it.
On the other hand, our work also has an impact on making the product look cheap.
I'm sure you've had the experience of purchasing a consumable item even though it was expensive but it lasted a long time.
On the other hand, I think it's normal for something to be cheap and quickly become unusable.
If it lasts long, you're lucky.
I felt like I was able to meet a super idol-level girl through pick-up and start dating her. (Does this example fit?)
Seeing is believing. Evidence rather than theory.
I once again think that this is an embodiment of the current era.
We are often influenced and influenced by incorrect knowledge and distorted information, and end up going in the wrong direction.
You had better wake up.
Especially you over there pretending to understand.
I'm not saying that expensive things are good.
If anything, I like cheap things. The cheaper the better. lol
Unless it's an unscrupulous business, it's normal to want to offer something cheap.
That's why we, both as people and as a store, are so happy, even though it was an expensive purchase! Feels cheap! Good for you! I am working hard every day to make you feel that way.
This applies to all purchases, so whether it's expensive or cheap, each person's values are the best option for that person.
Can someone tell me what that is? It shouldn't even be necessary to say that.
If it's expensive, don't buy it.
I don't have to see it.
You don't have to think about anything, right?
All you have to do is buy what suits you.
It goes without saying that the more expensive it is, the better it is.
I have the mentality that if it's cheap, it's natural that it's bad.
Among them, I am looking for one with high performance.
In other words, oh, Nitori is more expensive than it is.
And anything that's expensive and not good is just crap.
If it's cheap and good, you can make a profit.
If this situation continues, great craftsmen and techniques may become extinct.
If that happens, I think we'll end up with a world where people don't understand the value of things and everything is truly vicious.
I hope I can share that feeling through these clothes.
If this series continues for a long time,
It seems like a cliché . That's it
I would be happy if you could tell me someday.
The darkness of knitting is deep.
It will be on sale at stores and online stores from 12:00 tomorrow, December 17th (Sat).
cliché Kinoshita