For this year's purchase.

New color, showing its true potential.
The duffel coat I've been looking for.
This is Sugimura from cliché.
There are only 5 days left this year.
The big event, Christmas, is over, and we're all in the mood for the year-end and New Year holidays.
From the red-green flickering lights with a Santa Claus motif,
Changed to Kadomatsu decorated with pine and bamboo, giving a "Welcoming Spring" mood.
Although they have the same color scheme, they are mysterious symbols with completely opposite images.
The atmosphere of the city is changing little by little,
In the small park in front of Yoyogi Park, visible from the shop window, families were jumping rope and morning baseball practice was being held.
When I went to Yoyogi Hachiman Shopping District, which is a 2-minute walk from the store, I found lines at the supermarket and soba restaurants, and more noise than usual from people walking dogs.
I feel like I'm in December as I see people reminiscing about their year-end greetings and events so that they don't have anything left undone in the year that's only a few days left.
It's easy to get caught up in the busy atmosphere of the end of the year and forget,
Ladies and gentlemen, have you finished your shopping for this year?
Payment for work, payment for food, payment for drinking, payment for play, payment for travel, payment for princess etc..
There are cases where other 〇〇 payments are cleared without being consciously aware of them.
If you don't consciously shop, you won't be able to afford it.
Personally, I place great importance on purchasing,
I consciously try to find what I want and buy it.
If I remember correctly, my purchases last year were hats and belts.
It's not like I'm forcing myself to buy something out of some weird way,
Ah, it's already the end of the year...I want something to finish it off.
When I think about it, the thing I want suddenly appears in front of me.
Is it the desire that rises within me that makes me do that?
Or is the timing of the release perfect for purchasers like me?
Either way, it's the end of the year sales season.
¥44,000 (TAX IN)
Here is the first shopping list.
Following my purchase last year, I became interested in a leather belt.
This year I'm checking out cantate's Ribbon Belt.
Leather accessories, such as belts and wallets, are meant to be used for a long time after purchase.
I chose it as a break so that I can approach the new year with a fresh mindset and new clothes.
An item that is perfect for purchasing.
By the way, this Ribbon Belt is a pattern that unexpectedly appeared in front of me.
This is because the use of leather is extremely luxurious.
You can only get four belts from one cow, and four belts from one such large animal. (Usually you can get 20 pieces...)
Surprise delivery of all the last leather lots made into belts.
The result is the newly arrived Ribbon Belt.
The fact that all of the leather has been used up means...
This is the last minute. There are no future release plans.
If you're going to buy something, now's the time, it's a luxurious and meaningful purchase...
cantate "Gun-club Balmacaan Coat" ¥20,350 (TAX IN)
cantate "Regular Chino Trousers" ¥42,900 (TAX IN)
is-ness "P COAT" ¥82,500 (TAX IN)
cantate "Stupid Border Inspired by Kurt" ¥132,000 (TAX IN)
cantate "Fine Corduroy Suit" ¥330,000 (TAX IN)
cliché "ROVING 5G KNIT VEST" ¥49,500 (TAX IN)
cantate "Pile Duffle Coat" ¥330,000 (TAX IN)
cantate "Back Stain Garbardine Bellows Jacket" ¥88,000 (TAX IN)
cantate "Back Stain Garbardine Reverse Pleats Trousers" ¥55,000 (TAX IN)
It takes care of the waist area.
You can arrange the colors with a strap or necklace that hangs from your neck.
You can use it seriously by matching the color of your leather shoes.
You can also use it as a base to put the color of your tie on.
A very simple design with a square buckle and a narrow front and thick back.
Fine and thin, so thin that it looks like a pattern, the color of the glossy leather,
Hand-stitch the folded part that holds the buckle, and round the top and bottom corners by hand.
Although it has a firm hardness and a distinct shape,
It is a belt that feels soft and easy to hold.
Belts are worn every day and are essential for styling.
It's good to be able to wear it without worrying about it being noticeable.
The best supporting character with no items that don't match.
It will become your reliable companion for life.
Please use it as a tightening role in 2023.
¥55,000 (TAX IN)
¥154,000 (TAX IN)
Next up are two sizes of tote bags (small) and shoulder bags (extra large).
At this time of year, perhaps due to the year-end and New Year rush to return home,
I want a bag that looks good and can be used with confidence when traveling!
The number of people who say this is increasing.
First of all, it is realistic and recommended because you can choose the size according to the purpose.
For your reference, we introduced the storage capacity of the larger Traveler Bag in a previous blog .
Well, it can fit a lot of luggage.
The smaller tote bag is a size that makes it easy to imagine walking around town.
There is no shortage of storage space,
It's too big to carry and doesn't stand out too much.
As I mentioned earlier when introducing the Ribbon Belt, this bag also uses rare materials.
Leather called "Vaux Barenia". Although it is originally a rare leather, we carefully select and select it , and only a few of the high-quality parts are actually made into products.We take time to pick up and check the quality.
You can feel the delicate and gentle nuances in the beautiful coloring, and instead of the hard and slimy image of leather, the leather has a soft and elastic surface due to vegetable tanning and chrome tanning, which is tanned twice, which is unthinkable with normal chrome tanning. It is characterized by its smooth texture.
It looks and changes over time very beautifully.
And since it is rare, it is inevitable that the price of the material will rise.
Shoulder Tote Bag
¥55,000 (TAX IN) → ¥66,000 (TAX IN)
Traveler Bag
¥154,000 (TAX IN) → ¥198,000 (TAX IN)
Prices will be revised from January 2nd of the new year.
In particular, the price of extra-large Traveler Bags is subject to large changes, so
If you originally had it on your shopping list, I think it's a good time to reconsider your purchase before the end of the year.
Lastly, I bought an AVM bracelet for myself for Christmas.
I don't want to buy all the items here, so this is an extra edition of the purchased items.
¥85,800 (TAX IN)
A silver bangle with a whale rib motif.
In extremely simple construction,
It has both sharpness and roundness.
When I put it on my wrist, it has a strange presence even though it is thin.
Why? While I'm thinking about it, I want to check it out! I bought it on a whim.
It just arrived the other day, so I've only had it on for 5 days.
I feel that the key points are that it is a little thick and has a gentle curve.
Depending on the angle of the light, a shadow may fall on your arm, or the light may hit the top part in a pinpoint manner.
It looks sparkling and shining.
The compact form has depth and is packed with expressions. It's luxurious.
This is a purchase report. Great as a gift for yourself or your partner.
For those who have finished their work and are heading into the year-end and New Year holidays,
Eat, drink, rest, and keep your energy up.
For those who have not finished their work yet and are working until the new year,
For those who are working hard regardless of the year-end and New Year holidays,
Things will get even busier in the run up to the 31st, and now it's time for the real thing.
The cliché store will be open for the last time on the 29th, so we are in the last spurt of the year.
We will continue to send information to everyone who is on vacation so that they can satisfy their shopping desires through our blog.
First of all, it was a recommendation blog that you should not forget.
cliché Sugimura